Dental Erosion and Your Smile

Are you aware that dental erosion is caused by the corrosion of your tooth enamel? Tooth enamel, the defensive layer of your teeth, is extremely strong and durable, but sadly cannot hold up to many types of harmful acids that can invade your mouth. The bacteria in plaque can even alter dangerous substances such as sugar molecules into harmful acids... read more »

Dental Bridges Can Restore Your Smile

Have you ever yearned for a full smile after you lost a tooth or had one extracted? If they are your permanent teeth, no new ones will grow in. However, to avoid dangers to your remaining teeth and gums, the missing teeth must be replaced. Consider the benefits of dental bridges:   - Dental bridges can last a lifetime of... read more »

Oral Hygiene Topic: Dental Fillings

Are you experiencing any sense of tooth sensitivity? Are you noticing any tooth discomfort or pain when you try chewing or eating? If you do, you may be suffering from a hole in your tooth known as a cavity. Cavities are created when the tooth enamel protecting a tooth is breached until a hole forms down to the tooth’s root.... read more »

Dental Veneers Can Enhance Your Smile’s Appearance

A lot of people feel that a white and winning smile is a key element in making a great first impression. Chronic dental staining issues and minor physical imperfections can leave you feeling uncomfortable about your appearance and sap your self-confidence. One way to address a problem like this is to have Dr. Greg Ortman enhance your smile by installing... read more »

Enamel Erosion Caused by an Eating Disorder May Require Increased Fluoride Exposure

If you’ve struggled with an eating disorder or a period of significant malnutrition it can affect your body in a variety of ways. This could include weakening the mineral density of your tooth enamel. Complications from enamel erosion might include multiple teeth with cavities and problems with tooth sensitivity. In a situation like this, you should strongly consider scheduling a... read more »

Have You Ever Cleaned Your Toothbrush?

Have you ever cleaned your toothbrush? If you are looking to fine-tune your tooth brushing skills, one easy method is to improve the care you give to your toothbrush. If your toothbrush is past its end date or has fallen into disrepair, it will not be able to do the job required of it. In addition, if your toothbrush becomes... read more »

A Dental Bridge Is a Healthy Option for Your Missing Teeth

If you are looking for a healthy option for missing teeth in your smile, a dental bridge might be just the right solution for your needs. Gaps in your smile don’t just affect your appearance, but they also affect smile function. Let’s take a look at some of the things that can happen when these gaps are left untreated: You... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Ortman Family Dentistry, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »