A complete oral health treatment plan begins with assessing all potential risk factors in your facial area. Not only should you be looking for problems and issues that could arise in your mouth but also areas outside of it. If you do have chronic jaw and facial pain, it could be an indication of another problem. Once you understand all the causes, you can create an plan to address the issue.
Several factors including TMJ disorders, periodontal disease, bruxism, and toothaches have been known to produce jaw and facial pain. To help treat the symptoms, visit your dentist for an examination and an X-ray if applicable.
Some treatments that your dentist can provide to help minimize the effects of jaw and facial pain include:
muscle relaxants
mouth guards
exercises designed to strengthen your face and jaw
medications including anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics
root canal therapy
tooth extractions
gum disease treatments and care
If you are suffering from any chronic jaw or facial pain symptoms and wish to visit us to determine if an oral health care treatment procedure is needed to correct the issue as well as any underlying health conditions you may have, contact our team.
Are you attracted to the idea of jaw and facial pain treatments in Lafayette, Indiana? If so, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with Dr. Greg Ortman at our dental office by calling us at 765-447-0322. Ortman Family Dentistry looks forward to enhancing your smile with jaw and facial pain prevention and care.